My whole life is an experiment . . . sometimes I get surprising results. - C Erdmann

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

At my house, over the weekend....

Cooking up a storm in the slow-cooker

....I made some soap. mmmm, frangipani.

Not made with essential oil, but with a good quality fragrant oil that I used to always buy when I was the big time {;o))} soap-seller at the markets a few years back! The yellow colour is from saffron powder.
Would you believe that we haven't had to buy soap for years, and coz of the amount of it left over when I stopped selling at the markets, it was only a few weeks ago that I had to start making it again for our own use!

In the mould and hardening
Then I decided that it might a good little cheap giveaway with the chenille shower mitts that I'm selling on madeit and etsy.
I make my soap using "hot process" and it's so easy to do. You can use it the next day usually.

Cut cakes and drying
We also went looking at second-hand shops and I found this cute thing.....

Pls excuse the silly expression, I'm saying something silly to the husband!

We think it's from around the 1950's. Very retro, yes? But me thinks it looks much better on the hanger than on me!!  :)) and a steal at $8!!
The label says Farmers Sydney, and my husband said he remembered a department store with that name (given that he's a NSWelshman), and the info we found on google suggests that the era I mentioned above is correct.

UPDATE on the Halloween apron from last week's post that I was making for The Chocolate Crow. 

Tres chic? Non.... hahaha

Not exactly what I could see in my mind's eye when I started out, but something a bit fun to wear, for Halloween if you celebrate the tradition.
I made the pumpkin into a pocket and gave him some black feathers for hair.

See happenings at other houses or join in, over at Lou's place.
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