My whole life is an experiment . . . sometimes I get surprising results. - C Erdmann

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hearts and Cats. Oh yes, and a little bear.

Not long until the changeover for The Chocolate Crow again (on the 15th), and I've sent all our items in with a pinch of time to spare. This month's theme is Valentine's as well as general items.

As you can see I've followed the theme and put up a sweet romantic heart that I've sewn a heart shaped doiley to, along with other embellishments. The image hanging from it is a copy of a vintage photo of an ancestor of mine. She looks so pretty.

Joolz has made a very sweet little mohair bear and sat it in an old tin that she has added vintage sewing bits and bobs to,

......and Clare has made a lovely prim heart shaped cushion, to which she has added some of her Redwork stitchery to.

I've added these next pics to the post just because I thought they were so cute, and wanted to share them! :)

The first was taken by my husband after he walked into the loungeroom, spotted our youngest cat Kit and just couldn't resist. Talk about chilled out!! LOL. We've never seen her do this before and had a good giggle at her.

At the same time our oldest one Pushka was having a siesta out on the front verandah in a box of grass that I had planted up and put there just for her, would you believe?
Now they all sleep in it! What chance has the grass got??

For me, one of the pleasures of cats' company is their devotion to bodily comfort. ~ Compton Mackenzie


  1. Pam, your heart is so pretty...I love the doily sewed to it. The old photo is a very nice touch too.

  2. I love your cats... so cute!!
    I love the crafts too...I feel like doing what your Kit-cat is doing... just sprawling someplace cool and comfy!!
    What a great idea... the grass box... I must plant one!!

  3. The heart is gorgeous......... and that photo of the white cat is adorable! I DON'T want to sprawl somewhere cool, I want to do it somewhere warm........... -10 forecast for tonight..... brrrrrr we pommies do like to bang on about the weather..... :O)))))))))

  4. Love the hearts and love the cats! Our black one does the lounge sprawl thing so this pose is a familiar one to us - but the plant one is a newie!

  5. they definitely are devoted to bodily comfort!
    my mums car has proof of it :)

    i thought I was already on your followers list..just realised I wasn't..oops.


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~~"Dare to Dream"

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