My whole life is an experiment . . . sometimes I get surprising results. - C Erdmann

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Place and Yours: My Secret Weapon

I found the meme theme for this week a bit of a challenge I have to say. This week's choice was set by Deedrie from My Bricole.

But after much thought I think I'd have to say My Secret Weapon would have to be my hands.
I came to a realisation the other day, that if I get out and do something with my hands, (whether that something is crafty or even making an item that is needed around the house), then it can pull me out of a particularly low moment. You know those times when you just know that you're wallowing in your "lowness" and it's hard to kick it? Happens way too often around here!
I mean, I've probably always known that "doing" something will help to lift you up, but this realisation was, that it's actually creating "that something" with my hands that does it for me! Not just reading or walking etc. Mind you the ultimate trick is getting myself to "just do it now"!!! I can find that extemely difficult sometimes depending on how low I am at the time. But then I'm sure there are many of you in the same boat.
The thing I made the other day that led me to this epiphany was only a play tunnel for the cats, but after feeling how I felt when I was finished (as well as seeing how much the cats loved playing in it), I started to think about other times I had created, with those hands when I had told myself to just do it. About how I had felt and also what my internal dialogue was, afterwards.
Voila! Huge realisation. :)
To see other people's secret weapon, visit Meet Me at Mike's.

According to the laws of aerodynamics, the bumblebee cannot fly.....
I guess no one bothered to tell the bee.
~ Unknown


  1. Pam, I know exactly what you mean. My best days are the ones where I create something with my hands. It can completely turn a bad around.
    Keep on using that secret weapon!
    Hugs, Debi

  2. great weapon!
    love that it's so obvious yet we don't even think about it.
    keep on creating Pam ♥

  3. I nodded quietly at this one........ So true Pam.............

  4. Yes, I can totally relate Pam. Except add to that shopping, going out for coffee, and of course seeing family and friends.

  5. Don't feel down Pam. What you and your hands create is truly fabulous! And a very interesting post.
    I've never been one to think too deeply about things, but as I'm getting older, I'm starting to understand myself better - and having the odd epiphany too!

  6. Hi Pam, Great post. It is so important to value something we often take for granted and realise how lucky we are to have the ability to do the things we do. There are many out there who arn't as lucky, cheers Katherine

  7. Good post and loved your 'secret weapon'. I think my best weapon is my brain; at least, what there is left of it -smile-.

  8. I can totally agree with the 'hands' on a number of levels. Not only do these guys allow me to make and create such fun stuff, but as a massage therapist, they also allow me to care for other people on a day to day basis. I often thank my hands as I know my head has nothing to do with this part of me.


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~~"Dare to Dream"

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